Let us know how we can help you: 281-376-6831.
Our parish practices a year 'round preparation for first sacraments. There is no "best time" to prepare, and you haven't missed anything if you begin late or early in the year. The Church shares your desire that the saving grace of the sacraments be given to children, provided they are sufficiently prepared and understand that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. Children learn by attending Mass with their families, so they learn how to pray as a community and celebrate the sacraments regularly. Sacramental preparation is a joyful time for the child and the entire family, and an opportunity for all family members to fully practice their faith by receiving all the sacraments appropriate for their age level. We commend parents and guardians and encourage them to take seriously their role of making their Catholic households a place where faith is passed on to the next generation. We are here to accompany your family in this faith journey.