Let us know how we can help you: 281-376-6831.
Please know that you are always welcome here. It is said: “Without crying, the Church is dying!”
The presence of children is one way we know our church is alive. Your children are a gift to us, not a burden. Jesus said, “Let the children come to me" (Matthew 19:14). Here at CGS, we take that seriously.
It's okay to sit in the front. Children behave better when they can see what is going on. Quietly explain the parts of the Mass and actions of the priest and other ministers. Teach them to sing and pray the parts of the Mass. Children can only learn how to attend Mass by attending Mass, learning how to act by copying you and watching others. At some Masses, we offer Liturgy of the Word Adapted for Children (ages PreK-5th grade) so that they can hear the Word of God at Mass proclaimed and explained on their level. They are dismissed by the presiding priest to the chapel for this portion of the Mass. You are welcomed to accompany them.
You know your child better than anyone. If sitting in the back is better for you, do that instead. It's okay to walk to the back to calm and comfort them. We now have a "quieting" room in the back of the church if you need a few minutes to re-group, but please come back. It can be stressful at times, but we are glad you are here, and we want to support you in your important ministry as parents. If you have any questions, we are here for you.
We ask all our parishioners to be patient with parents who have squirmy, fussy children. All of us were young once. It is to such as these that "the Kingdom of Heaven belongs." Let us teach them, and let them teach us about loving God and neighbor.
This section is accurate, but it is also being updated for clarity and helpfulness. Should you need more information, contact our parish office or email discipleship@cgscc.church.
Our Faith Formation process for children and their families is designed to give them a well-integrated foundation in the Catholic Faith lead by their first catechists, their own parents. We provide parents with the doctrine of the Catholic Church, sourced by the “Catechism of the Catholic Church," firmly grounded in Scripture and Tradition so they can pass on the faith to their children accompanied and supported by their home parish.
Parents, when you baptized your child(ren) you promised to be the primary resource for your children to learn about God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and about His Holy Church. But, if the parents are not comfortable with sharing their faith, how can they be the primary teachers/catechists for their children?
We are beginning an initiative at Christ the Good Shepherd that will help you. But not only parents with young children, all families and, in fact, everyone who is a part of Christ the Good Shepherd Catholic Community.
We start at the beginning. “The community of believers was of one heart and mind… With great power, the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great favor was accorded them all…” (Acts of the Apostles 4:32-34).
The founding members of Christ the Good Shepherd Catholic Community will remember that when the parish started, you met in people’s homes. Whole families and other groups gathered, and people shared their faith.
Yes, we are having Faith Formation, but we no longer be offering the traditional in-classes once a week or during the month of July, instead, we are returning to a version of the model our founding members started with.
We want to help families get to know one another again. We want to enable an opportunity for all of us to share and practice our faith with trusted, valued, and known friends in Jesus Christ. As well as offering a welcoming way into the community without getting lost.