Let us know how we can help you: 281-376-6831.
Welcome to Christ the Good Shepherd Catholic Community! We're glad you're here.
This page is designed with information for those adults who have not been baptized with water in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, but are interested in exploring the possibility of being baptized and joining us here at Christ the Good Shepherd Catholic Community. It is not necessary for you to have already decided you want to be baptized, that is part of the process.
We believe that sacraments are gifts from God instituted by Jesus Christ himself. God gives, offers, us the sacraments. We receive them, say yes to them, when we are ready, but first we must know what “being ready” means. Here at Christ the Good Shepherd, we attempt to offer the reception of sacraments at appropriate times during the liturgical calendar year when a person has been adequately prepared, and they believe themselves ready to receive the sacrament(s) being offered.
Traditionally, the reception of Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist by adults is at the Easter Vigil Mass each year. All three Sacraments of Initiation are to be received at the same Mass. (The Easter Vigil Mass is the night before Easter Sunday.) Occasionally there are times when adjustments need to be made to best serve the people involved.
Again traditionally, it is best for an individual to experience at least one full liturgical year before making the final decision to be baptized and become part of the Catholic faith community. What this looks like for you will be discussed in your initial meeting with us.
If you would like to get started, fill out the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Registration
The best and fastest way to contact us by email: smillsap@cgscc.church. Place “Baptism: Adults” in the subject line.
However, if you want to call, please use the direct line: 346-236-6467. Leave a message which includes a good time of day to return your call if we are not able to answer at that time.